Specialists I Work With
I work with local specialists to make sure you get the best pre and postnatal care possible.

Registered Osteopath and MummyMOT®️ practitioner
Michelle is a mum of two, an Osteopath and a certified Mummy MOT®️ practitioner.
Michelle works alongside her patients, using a combination of an evidence informed & a holistic approach for the assessment, diagnosis, treatment & rehabilitation of conditions.
Too often, pelvic function is overlooked in the treatment of womxn, especially those experiencing low back or hip pain. Untreated pelvic health issues can lead to conditions affecting bladder or bowel continence, sexual pain or prolapse. It is her goal to reduce the distress that these conditions cause, and support her patients towards better pelvic function and overall health.
Michelle firmly believes in empowering womxn by providing education, guidance and training, adopting a whole-life view regarding the concern of pelvic health.

Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Teacher
Jen is a mother of two, a breastfeeding supporter and an experienced teacher.
She is passionate about giving families the knowledge and confidence to have the best birth experience possible.
Jen has seen first hand the
positive impact hypnobirthing can have when it equips parents with
the necessary tools and techniques to remain calm and comfortable in labour.
Childbirth can be an incredible experience
and Jen's hypnobirthing course takes away the “fear of the unknown” and replaces it instead with informed excitement.

Personal trainer and Adore Your Pelvic Floor Coach
Becky is a mum of four, a personal trainer and pelvic floor specialist.
As a pre and postnatal personal trainer, Becky is a full health advocate which means not only does she support your exercise goals, she supports your mental health too.
She works with her clients, bringing them nutrition advice, personal training and wellness courses.
Becky is passionate about womens health, supporting from pregnancy through to postnatal.
Becky runs the popular 16 week Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation course across Medway.